Mircea Niculescu , Raluca Dumitru, Angela Magda, Vasile Pode New Methods to Obtain Carboxylic Acids by OxidationReactions of Polyols with Metal(II) Nitrates II. Oxidation reactions of 1,3-propanediol with metal(II) nitrates Revista de Chimie, 64 (3), 2013, 271 – 274 , FI=0.677

Magda Angela, Pode Rodica, Muntean Cornelia, Medeleanu Mihai, Popa Alexandru, Synthesis and characterization of ammonium phosphates with boron, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society75(7)2010, 951 – 963, FI=0.889
Magda Angela, Pode Rodica, Studies on Heat Treated Ammonium Phosphates with boron, Revista de Chimie,  61(10), 2010, 957 – 960, FI=0.677
Magda Angela, Muntean Cornelia, Iovi Aurel, Jurca Marius, Lupa Lavinia, Simon Monika, Pode Vasile, Studies about ammonium phosphates fertilizers with boron added as boric acid, Revista de Chimie, 60(3), 2009, 226 – 230, FI=0.677
Magda Angela, Pode Vasile, Niculescu Mircea, Muntean Cornelia, Bandur Geza, Iovi Aurel, Studies on process of obtaining the fertilizers based on ammonium phosphates with addition of boric acid,  Revista de Chimie, 59(12), 2008, 1340 – 1344, FI=0.677
M. Niculescu, R. Dumitru, A. Magda, G. Bandur, E. Sisu, Noi metode de obtinere a unor acizi carboxilici prin reactii de oxidare a poliolilor cu azotati de metal (II). 1. Reactia de oxidare a 1,2 propandiolului cu azotati de metal (II) Revista de Chimie,  58 (10), 2007, 932-936,  FI=0.677

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