The Department of Applied Chemistry and Engineering of Inorganic Compounds and Environment (CAICAM) has formed in 2005 as a result of organizational restructuring of various former departments existing from the establishment of the faculty or introduced later on, by developing new fields and specialization directions. Thus, in 1950 there were three directions: Inorganic Chemical Technology, Organic Chemical Technology and Construction Materials and later on, Technology of Macromolecular Compounds approved in 1964.
Over time, the faculties’ specializations were coordinated by different departments and chairs, which underwent reorganization according to teaching and research interests.
The Department of Applied Chemistry and Engineering of Inorganic Compounds and Environment has formed by merging the chairs of Inorganic, Analytical and General Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Inorganic Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection, and Chemistry and Technology of Oxidic Materials.
As far as teaching is concerned, the CAICAM department coordinates a number of disciplines in the joint study programme of both Bachelor’s degree (General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Materials Science, Physical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Chemical Technology Basics, etc.) and Master’s degree (Physical Chemistry of Interfaces). It also coordinates disciplines in the curricula of other faculties: General Chemistry (for the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Management in Production and Transportation), Electrochemistry (for the Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering), General Chemical Technology and Analytical Product Quality Control (for the Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation).
At present, the CAICAM department coordinates two major fields of study in the Bachelor’s degree program: Chemical Engineering with the specialization Engineering of Inorganic Compounds and Environmental Protection in Industry and Environmental Engineering with the specialization Engineering and Environmental Protection in Industry.
Within the Master’s degree program, the CAICAM department coordinates: a) Master's degree programs, continuing the specialization direction: Engineering of Inorganic Compounds and Environmental Protection and Engineering and Environmental Management in Industry; b) complementary master programs: Micro and Nanomaterials and Non-Polluting Process Technologies.
Teachers carry out research in two research centers with the following directions:
- Research Centre in Environmental Science & Engineering: Advanced water treatment and integrated water quality control; Integrated development systems to reduce environmental impacts and risks; Environmental monitoring; Purification of waste water containing heavy metals for the purpose of recycling; Pilot-scale development of water treatment processes; Pharmaceutical compounds - emerging pollutants in water resources; Monitoring of priority hazardous pollutants in deep waters; Photocatalysis processes applied in the treatment of drinking water; Applying carbon composite electrodes for advanced degradation of organic pollutants.
- Research Centre for Inorganic Materials and Alternative Energies: Solis State Chemistry, Unconventional synthesis methods of materials with taylored properties: super-paramagnetic powders, luminophores, heat-resistant pigments, pigments with near IR reflection, etc.; Correlation composition - structure - properties of solids; Kinetics of solid state processes and heterogeneous systems (solid-liquid); Immobilization of industrial waste in vitrified matrices; Materials used in medicine (cancer treatment, hypothermia, drug-targeted transport, etc.).
The teaching staff of the department has established cooperation agreements with prestigious international universities. Thus, students from our faculty benefited from study abroad through SOCRATES / ERASMUS program at the University of Sassari, Italy; Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands; Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg - Institut für Keramik, Glas und Baustofftechnik, Germania; Universities Ondokuz Mayis (Samsun) and Dokuz Eylul (Izmir) from Turkey.
Teachers from CAICAM department are also involved in the scientific and editorial board of Chem. Bull. "POLITEHNICA" Univ. Timisoara (
The ECO-IMPULS International Conference, organized each year by the department in collaboration with the Romanian-German Aquademica Foundation and SA Aquatim Timisoara brings together professionals, scientists and technologists from the field of environmental research and technology and reached the 5th edition.