
Jakab, Agnes; Colar, Liliana Andreea; Pode, Rodica; Cocheci, Laura; Manea, Florica, Catalytic Photodegradation and Mineralization of Cationic Dye Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution onto Copper Doped Zeolite, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, 63 (10), 2012, 1016-1022, FI=0.677

Adina Negrea, MihaelaCiopec, LaviniaLupa, CorneliuMirceaDavidescu, Adriana Popa, Gheorghe Ilia, PetruNegrea, Removal of As(V) by Fe(III) loaded XAD7 impregnated resin containing di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid DEHPA): Equilibrium, Kinetic, and Thermodinamic modeling studies, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,  2011, 565, p. 3830-3838, ISSN: 0021-9568, (factor de impact: 1.693);

Ciopec M., Davidescu C.M., Negrea A., Lupa L., Popa A., Muntean C., Ardelean R,, G. Ilia, Synthesis, characterization, and adsorption behavior of aminophosphinic grafted on poly(styrene-Co-divinylbenzene) for divalent metal ions in aqueous solutions , Polym. Eng. and Sci., 2013, 53(5), 1117-1124, IF=1.243

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